October 25, 2011

I just received a “Defeat Obama…Occupy Wall Street is a mob” email in my inbox. Here it is.

Obama haters hate Occupy.

An interesting, rather self-defeating take on the 99%. Better to listen to We the People, no?

Just got this email in my inbox. See images below.

It’s an…interesting, rather cynical and partisan take on Occupy Wall Street, which (despite the presence of young hippie-ish bongo drummers and such) is largely made up of “real people,” ordinary Americans sick of a tilted system that disproportionately favors the disproportionately rich.

“Occupy Wall Street mobs…trying to tear down America and the Middle Class.”

For elephant’s extensive Occupy coverage, click here.


Tomorrow we are going to provide you with some great new polling data about Barack Obama and the Occupy Wall Street mobs, which show that the effort by Obama and Democrat leaders to back the mobs is backfiring!

Thanks to people like you who have helped us and others to get the pictures and videos out about what is happening at these rallies, the American public is coming to understand that this is little more than a Saul Alinsky-style mob that is trying to tear down America and the Middle Class.

Our latest web video alone is nearing 40,000 views in just two days.  But we must reach MILLIONS, not just tens of thousands.  That is why the TV ad version of this web video is so important.  We must be able to buy the airtime for our TV ad exposing Barack Obama and the Occupy Wall Street mobs, but to do it we’re going to need your help.

On Sunday we put the goal out of $50,000 for our first push in this effort.  We have now raised more than $14,000.  But we have to pick up the pace of our fundraising.

That is why we are urgently seeking as many people as possible to contribute $100 or more to this effort in the next 16 hours.  Please support this critically important TV ad campaign by making a contribution – HERE

And after you’ve contributed make sure you watch our new web video that has gone viral “Democrats Shamefully Support the Occupy Wall Street Mobs” – HERE.

With your support we will expose the “Occupy Wall Street” mobs for exactly what they are:  an effort to shove socialism down our throat here in America., and we will expose just how shameful Democrat politicians, led by Barack Obama, are for supporting these mobs.

You can contribute anywhere from as little as $5 up to the maximum allowed contribution of $5,000.  We would appreciate the most generous contribution you can afford so we can purchase as much TV airtime as possible.

CONTRIBUTE HERE: https://secure.donationsafe.com/dbo

Thank you very much for your support.  If you prefer you can also mail in a contribution to our headquarters:

Campaign To Defeat Obama
P.O. Box 601684
Sacramento, CA 95860-1684
Also, be sure to share this video with your friends on Twitter & Facebook:

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