October 27, 2011

Want a Better World? Be a Geek. ~ Max Zografos

Geek, nerd, loner, weirdo.

The business term is “techie guy.” Society condemns technical people. Technical acumen, together with mental illness, incites a widely accepted (condoned, even) form of discrimination in the workplace.

Here in Corpland, it’s acceptable to dismiss someone’s argument as “too technical.” The moment a task requires the minimum of rigour, it gets delegated to the bottom of the food chain at the speed of light.

What workers aspire to do these days is manage. It’s not their fault. This philistine flavour of idiocy was imprinted on our brains early on. Entire empires have softened up and later consumed that way throughout history. But don’t go too far. Take a look at certain major multinationals and observe this phenomenon in time-lapse.

The truth is right there before us but we are too comfortable to see it. Technical people not only bring prosperity, but those “misfits” carry our species forward.


Creatively maladjusted author and blogger, Jivamukti yogi, ethical diet advocate and corporate drone, Max Zografos loiters internet cafes, libraries (anywhere with a roof and Wi-Fi really) for hours on end until he finds inspiration to write or gets kicked out, whichever comes first. You can find him on www.maxzografos.com.

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