January 25, 2012

elephant’s Best of the Week.

editor’s letter:

Love is Selfish.

“But let there be spaces in your togetherness
and let the winds of the heavens dance between you. Love one another but
make not a bond of love:
let it rather be a moving sea
the shores of your souls.”

Khalil Gibran

The Problem:

“I’ve had a few good relationships but they dump me ’cause I’m boring and work all the time and don’t pay enough attention to them.”

The Solution:

“Find a partner-in-crime, a match, an equal, a queen.“

The Buddhist Notion of Love.

I’m in love with a woman I’ve never met.

But we do know each other. And one thing she said that I love is that

being in love is of secondary importance

she said it more poetically, though, in response to my concerns about our future hypothetical love and marriage and baby carriage

she said

I don’t need to go on a lifelong romantic picnic, I have things to do.

I loved that. I loved her for saying that. I’ve always thought fun was fun…for an hour or so. Then, fun is boring. You know what’s always fun? Serving the greater good by doing something you’re good at. Whether that’s dance or teaching or politicking or working the counter at a corner store or being a nurse or what.

And that reminder me. The kind of love I’ve been brought up to look for isn’t a picnic. It’s a partnership, with loneliness built in.

In the Buddhist tradition, there’s no…click here to read the rest.

Yours in working (and playing) to create enlightened society,

Top 10 Mindful Blogs of the Week.

Tired? Self-Test Your Thyroid.  ~ Dr. John Douillard

Many thyroid problems or thyroid-related symptoms go undiagnosed or untreated.

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Briohny Smyth: The Full Story, Straight from the Yogini’s Mouth. ~ Jeannie Page

If we want to know what was truly intended by the Equinox video, we need to…

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Can We Retire the Phrase “Real Women,” Please?
~ Kate Bartolotta

What does it mean…

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10 Great Quotes about Coffee. ~ Karl Saliter

My ode to coffee.

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Look at Me. ~ Andréa Balt

There’s vulnerability…

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7 Reasons You Should Get Stabbed in 2012. ~ Kristen Althea

Yes, I’m talking about…

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For You, Have Courage When You Feel Afraid.
~ Kate Bartolotta

It has become a mindfulness cliché…

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By the Way, I Filed for Divorce Yesterday. ~ Jamie Squires


I learned I was going to be divorced as my husband prepared…

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“Tantric Philosophy, Sex ’til Dawn & The Smell of Your Armpits.” ~ Julie JC Peters

On finding God in the softness…

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George Clooney: “Disillusioned by people disillusioned by Obama.” ~ Waylon Lewis

Quote of the Week.

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Walk the Talk Show of the Week

Walk the Talk Show with Waylon Lewis: A Look Back at ‘elevision,’ our first Incarnation.

 Funny of the Week

New “Equinox” Yoga Video is ever hottter.

 Wow of the Week

Olivia Munn, for PETA, on Fur. Worst video I’ve ever seen {Video}.

 Quote of the Week

“There’s only one rule I know of…”

~ Kurt Vonnegut

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