February 1, 2012

Put your Phone down. {New Video from Fog & Smog—Whole Foods Parking Lot, Yoga Girl etc}

Fog & Smog, how’d we get by without you for all these years?

First there was It’s Gettin’ Real in tha Whole Foods Parking Lot.

Then Hey Yoga Girl.

Then Berkeley Enough.

Now, a mere week after I started the Don’t Text and _______ Facebook Page (join the movement, save a life, make your own day), two days after I blogged this, and only two hours after bicycling through the University of Colorado campus and, sadly, counting literally only four or five out of the hundreds who were not texting/walking, phone/walking, or iPod/walking/biking. Four or five.

Enjoy Fog & Smog’s latest: Put Your Phone Down – Music Video:

From the video:
Put Your Phone Down from Fog and Smog Films. If you loved the “Whole Foods Parking Lot” and felt “Berkeley Enough” for “Yoga Girl”, this is your joint/jam/gem/jawn/jumpoff. DJ Dave “goes dumb” on smart phones in this public service announcement to those among us who are emotionally, physically or surgically tied to our “pieces”. In today’s world of technology driven hyper-communication, its good to exercise your interpersonal skills, lest they atrophy. If you see something…say something. #PYPD



Here’s some old stuff on the same subject from elephant. Do one thing at a time, you’ll do everything better.

Of course, we can use technology of course to enhance life—to further our mission of mindfulness and making this world a wonderfuller place. It’s not either/or. We don’t have to go live in tents and forsake all modern possessions. It’s simply about allowing gaps.

Find elephantish tweets from everybody everywhere at hashtag #mindful on twitter.

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