February 27, 2012

Listen: Bay Area’s KSRO “The Drive” interviews Waylon Lewis re: John Mackey, Whole Foods & “ObamaCare.”

A few years back, Waylon Lewis was featured a few times on the front page of the Huffington Post, where he used to write. He helped break various stories re Whole Foods, and got a ton of mainstream press (NY Times, Atlantic…) when he went against we liberal masses, standing his Whole Foods lovin’ ground and explained why he wouldn’t be joining the growing call for a boycott of Whole Foods…after a news story broke that right-of-the-right Whole Foods CEO John Mackey was not only against affordable healthcare coverage for the masses, but was righter than right, politically-speaking.

Just last week, radio show KSRO The Drive’s Steve Jaxon found himself in the midst of controversy about Whole Foods’ John Mackey and his take on equal rights and Prop 8. He needed back up from an expert. They put out the Waylon Lewis signal (not nearly as cool as the Bat Signal), and called our resident expert up for a chat and update.

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