February 8, 2012

Good News for All Californians Endowed with Unalienable Rights.

“Proposition 8 served no purpose, and had no effect, other than to lessen the status and human dignity of gays and lesbians in California,”

said the court in its ruling.

Via The Daily What.

The case will now likely head to the Supreme Court. Because it was narrowly passed, it is less likely according to the NY Times’ sources that the Supreme Court would use this opportunity to give GLBTQ community equal rights…but they may narrowly define a step forward nevertheless.

The NY Times. Excerpt, click for the full story:

“Although the Constitution permits communities to enact most laws they believe to be desirable, it requires that there be at least a legitimate reason for the passage of a law that treats different classes of people differently,” Judge Stephen R. Reinhardt wrote in the decision. “There was no such reason that Proposition 8 could have been enacted.”

Mitt Romney denounced the decision as an attack by “unelected judges” on “traditional marriage” and predicted that the Supreme Court would decide the issue. “That prospect underscores the vital importance of this election and the movement to preserve our values,” he said.


We covered Prop 8 like crazy back in the day.

And before that, we featured Gay Rights on our cover well before any other mainstream non-gay or civil rights-focused magazine did.

So this comes as a truly happy ending.

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