February 4, 2012

Prisoners: Eloquently Reminding us of the Essence of Yoga. {VIDEO} ~ Robert Sturman Photography.

Excerpt from a discussion after class lead by Dearbhla Kelly, the writer I am collaborating with on the next series of articles and images from the inside. On this day, the prison yoga teacher encouraged Dearbhla to teach the class and then lead the discussion.

(If you are inspired, please leave a comment below.  This project, along with the the public response, is shared with the government officials who have made it possible for me to navigate the prison system)

To close ones eyes in an open prison environment is unheard of.

S A V A S A N A ~ Friday 11 am yoga class ~ State Penitentiary: Northern California.


You can follow Sturman’s artwork within the prison system  on Facebook.

Previous article by Robert Sturman: Why I Love Prison: It’s My Turn to Talk

Check out  The ‘Cell Block D Sukhasana’ Tee for Men and Women    

100% of the Proceeds Benefit this Project

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