April 6, 2012

Supermodels without Makeup.

Perfection, Unphotoshopped.

And, without photoshopping, at the end of a long sleepless time (Paris Fashion Week), without good lighting, without smiles, without hair done, with distortion in angle (camera super close up?)…

…still, relevant, because we here at elephant are fans of less equals more, less parabens, less chemicals, more just us, more ourselves. Of course, there’s a middle ground. Some is lovely. Natural is lovely. Eco Organic is healthy.

And, this photo’s still interesting to look over, because tired, not madeup, not photoshopped (not comparing ourselves to photoshopped, madeup, “perfect” supermodels) is how many of us operate all the time. Just as ourselves.

And it should be pointed out that some of them have traces of makeup going. And that many of them are as more more beautiful than when all done up, as are these here.

Doubleclick for huge:

> Here’s what a year’s worth of makeup (literally) will do to your face.

Conventional Lipstick? Don’t do it to yourself. Here’s some highly-kissable Alternatives. [Treehugger]

> More attractive without makeup? Photos. 

Cause: more toxins in everyday environment. Effect: cancer rates continue to climb for men & women. Answer: do not use conventional make-up or bodycare. [Summer Rayne Oakes interview]


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