May 3, 2012

The Best Worst TV Show I’ve ever seen.

Classic: Jon Stewart gets tough: the Best Worst TV Show I’ve ever seen.

Stop. Stop Hurting America. You’re Partisan…Hacks.

Most of you have seen this. Some of you haven’t. Either way, a viewing now is well worth it. The problem persists. But honesty, mostly through humor and caring, stands a (weak) chance, even now.

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How much honesty is out there? Ah, if elephant were more honest, I could tell you stories…

…and we’re more honest than any I know. We put up with hell and criticism day after day for our buried, mild critiques. We criticize sponsors and offer honest reviews. That’s more rare than you know. It’s more rare than it ought to be, and we aim to succeed through size and reach in making it cool to care, and be honest, once again.

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