August 24, 2012

Romney today: “No one’s ever asked to see my birth certificate; they know that this is the place where both of us were born.”


The Obama campaign’s response:

“Governor Romney’s decision to directly enlist himself in the birther movement should give pause to any rational voter across America.”

“The rally audience was apparently very receptive to his Birther pandering.”


Meanwhile, the reaction from the crowd of Republicans here was largely enthusiastic, with some laughing it off as a politically incorrect joke, and others treating it as a welcome attack on what they believe to be the coverup of the president’s birthplace.

Asked what he made of Romney’s line, Jim Barzakov, a retiree from Berryville, MI, expressed frustration with reporters’ fixation on the issue.

“What is it with this birth certificate? It’s every question I get from you guys!” he said. “You must be all liberals! What kind of a question is that?”

He then said the meaning of the line was simple: “It says Romney has his birth certificate; Obama can’t find his.” Asked about the certificate the White House released last year, Barzakov dismissed it as a “photoshop certificate.”

Terese Cayline, who works at a real estate management company in Waterford, MI, said she doesn’t consider herself a “birther” — but raised several of the talking points espoused by skeptics of the president’s birth certificate.

“[Romney] was born and raised in Michigan and as far as Obama goes, his grandma was there at his birth and his grandma has never been outside Kenya,” Cayline said. “So I find it ironic that he won’t show the real birth certificate.”



… the crowd roared when Romney made the quip, and many supporters afterwards said they remained skeptical about where Obama was born.

“I thought it was great because why should we have to worry about whether the president has a birth certificate or not,” Guy Myers of Clarkston, Michigan, said.

Another supporter, Lauri Pierce of Midland, said it drew a contrast for her between Romney and Obama.

“Well Mitt’s from Michigan. There’s no question about where he’s from,” Pierce said. “And you hear a lot of questions about Obama. You don’t know, but you hear questions.”


Romney today: “No one’s ever asked to see my birth certificate; they know that this is the place where both of us were born.”

Yes, the subtext is…

“…because I’m white.”

Ironically, you know who else was asked to show his birth certificate? Romney’s father, who ran for President despite being born in Mexico.

And, via Reddit comments: “the stupidest part is that Romney actually did release his own birth certificate as part of his awkward courting of Donald Trump.”

Also, via Reddit:

Speaking of Mitts father, let’s not forget that George Romney was born in Mexico, in a polygamist commune, and that didn’t change his eligibility for the Presidency because he had American parents.

The Birther debate was settled 40 years ago, by Mitts father, and it is shameful to see Mitt parading around like this (though admittedly there isn’t much Mitt does these days that isn’t shameful.) It doesn’t matter where the hell Obama was born, because his mother is irrefutably American.


Funny coincidence, George settled both the birther issue AND the tax-return issue.


John Mccain was born in Panama.


Oddly enough, Obama and Hilary Clinton co-sponsored a bill declaring McCain a citizen with full eligibility to be president.

Edit: full-text of bill, it’s short.


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