August 21, 2012

How We Can Defeat “Legitimate Rape” Akin.

Update: “Akin’s rape opinion isn’t new. Earlier this year, every House Republican and 16 Blue Dog Democrats voted for a bill that would have redefined rape in federal statutes to be ‘forcible rape.'”

Update: Akin isn’t alone: Rep King has said something similar.


Support Claire McCaskill!

Okay, we’re all horrified/not that surprised, sadly, at this new GOP low. Well, here’s what to do about it: support Claire McCaskill, who’s fighting an uphill battle in Missouri:

Even if you can’t vote for her, you can donate $10 to her campaign:


“It is beyond comprehension that someone can be so ignorant about the emotional and physical trauma brought on by rape. The ideas that Todd Akin has expressed about the serious crime of rape and the impact on its victims are offensive.” ~ Claire McCaskill


Via Reddit: “Here is the Woman that Todd Akin is trying to defeat: Claire McCaskill.”

Given the comments by her opponent Todd Akin, I though reddit might want to see some of Claire McCaskill, the woman he is trying to defeat’s positions. The race has been neck and neck throughout as Missouri is split pretty much 50/50 rural and urban areas.

Not to say all her positions are great, I don’t agree with her position on immigration or guest worker visas but there you have it.

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