September 10, 2012

Crazy Wisdom: Bringing Light to All Aspects of Life.

Source: google.com.au via Karen on Pinterest


Chogyam Trungpa, a Tibetan monk whose life was filled with prayer, alcohol and women.

When was the last time you watched a film or documentary that was so good you felt held in its grip for days to come?

Those rare gems that once discovered, we mentally beg for ignorance to relive the initial revelry as we unyieldingly share with those around us trying hard to inoculate them with the joy—the pure joy.

Soul stirrers—that’s what I’d like to call them. The one that currently has me writing this blog of willful inoculation is “Crazy Wisdom”, a film about the life and times of the Tibetan master Chogyam Trungpa. A reincarnated wildcard that changed the face of Buddhism so we could more readily digest it here in the West whilst maintaining the respect and love of our counterparts in the East.

The spaghetti junction of thoughts and feelings this film is likely to generate for you may leave you with many lifetimes of processing, should they inspire you to pursue his teachings further.

After the Chinese invaded Tibet in 1951 Chogyam Trungpa fled to India for safety. He then embarked on a somewhat secular journey that led to him casting off his maroon robes, acquiring a 16 year old British bride and setting up an army.

It has been said to me before that had Tibet not gone through the devastation the invasion of China brought, us Westerners may have never had the gems of their Buddhist wisdom all around us, all accessible, as we do today.

“There was a silver lining. We became more public.” –Aref Assaf

Chogyam Trungpa made it his mission in the 70’s to mentally translate ancient teachings and communicate them in a language and manner suitable to the somewhat “stoned” Western palate.

Many wonderful people have created massive movements, engaging thousands of hearts and minds for a time. Yet I have never before seen such devotion, such instant reduction to tears decades after the person has passed, by the mere memory of a moment, the mere mention of his loving ways.

He seems like a permanent sacred lotus on the surface of the souls of his nearest and dearest.

And it is this that has inspired me to research his works more. It is this that has inspired me to share my “Crazy Wisdom” findings with you.  An incredible story of how East meets West and neither is diminished.


Editor: Maja Despot

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