October 1, 2012

elephant journal’s Top Ten to Follow on Instagram.

Was in such a good mood when I came home I just had to do a one armed handstand in the garden. Yes! That’s what I do. http://instagr.am/p/Nb7R66Rd60/



Who’d I miss, who I should follow? Say below in comments and I’ll do so.

For my defense of and love letter to Instagram, click here.

Three complaints about Instagram: you can’t put a clickable link in your comments. You can’t highlight folks, such as the below Instagrammers, who you always want to keep track of. And I have zero idea how to link to someone’s profile, beyond saying follow them at @joeschmoe, say. I can’t figure out what their profile link is. Advice?


10 Best-Kept-Secret Folks to Follow on Instagram.

Well, some are popular. Some, like myself, are new. Some, however, have hardly any followers and yet have the most consistently eye-and-mind-opening photographs and feeds (and lives) that they deserve many more followers.

1. Rachel Brathen. She’d written an article or two for elephant, but my following of her was automatic—when I joined, I selected to follow everyone I was pals with on Facebook, I guess. Her photos, while yoga yoga yoga (not my usual favorite thing; I find the whole “let’s go to the beach and take photos of ourselves doing yoga” boringly narcissistic) are stunning, beautiful, and simply inspiring. And, she’s stylish, warm, just a nice presence to have in one’s daily stream. @yoga_girl

2. Peggy Markel. This slow food chef and longtime pal of mine and columnist of elephant travels the world, taking simple yet diverse photos of a life that, from the outside, would make the Queen of Sheeba jelly. @peggymarkel

3. Me. My photos are awesome, simple, and if you overlook the countless photos of my dog (I’ve become one of those dog-photo-taking people, alas) rich in content, adventures and views and facts. I’m in love with this medium. @waylonlewis

4. Alex King. Always a win to follow a photographer. Our videographer for many years, he loves clean boys and beautiful cars. @apexalex

5. Stephen Smith: whatever the alcohol version of a foodie is called, this is he. A friend of mine and elephant’s, his photos from the farm where he works as well as bars across America are consistently delightful. @iamstephensmith

6. Eco Vegan Gal: she’s worked with elephant from time to time, but her stream came as a surprise to me: it’s consistent, rich in reviews and inspiration (if you’re vegan or veggie, she’s a must-must follow). @ecovegangal

7. Elinore Cohen. Another yoga feed, Elinore was my first godsister, supporting me as I jumped into Instaland. @elinorecohen

8. Liza. A neighbor of mine a few years back, her photos put me in a Vermont State of Mind (despite most of them being of Hawaii). Her life is simple, sunny, joyful, healthy, and deeply inspiring—or at least it appears to be through her Instalens. @sealoha

9. Sara Bercholz, a childhood friend and Dharma Brat, is Miss Shambhala Publications and the most lovely, tasteful mama and everyday cook I’ve ever Instafellinlovewith. Her photos are crisp, bright, inspiring and elegant. @sarabercholz

10. Corey Kohn. My favorite photographer in the world. Miksang! @coreykohn

11. This list goes to eleven, man. Obama! @obama

Due to popular demand, duh, I should’ve added the supreme adventurer and cheerful fool, Ryan Van Duzer. You can live so hard and happily through his photos, vicariously, that you’ll never have to actually do anything fun again. @Duzer

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