October 2, 2012

Growing Your Heart-Centered Business: 3 Keys to Success.

Perhaps, like me, you started your heart-centered business because you wanted to be a part of an energetic exchange.

As a yoga teacher, coach, herbalist or holistic health practitioner we are trained deeply in our art, but often feel uncomfortable in the business realm of our practice.

In today’s market, taking our business from good to great can be a challenge. How do we grow and expand our offerings while staying true to our mission, our intention? How do we interact with the online world while staying in alignment with what holds true for us?

In our business we need to draw on our entrepreneurial spirit in order to make a living doing what we love, while helping others to heal and transform their lives. The irony here is that the entrepreneurial path will churn up all of our unresolved “stuff,” what we need to heal—our ideas of self-worth, commitment, confidence will most likely all be challenged at one point or another.

To complicate things, when we mix together the exchange of money for services and issues of self-worth, it’s easy to see how those of us in heart-centered practices have a hard time getting our businesses to really take-off.

I recently had a chance to sit down and talk to Kate Swoboda, life coach and author, about ways heart-centered entrepreneurs can take their businesses from the struggle-phase to the success-phase in a mindful and holistic way. We discussed ways we can practice courage in our business and use mindfulness techniques in our approach to new media and marketing. In our conversation below, we cover three keys to growing your heart-centered business, and so much more. Enjoy.


More about Kate:

Kate Swoboda is a Life Coach, speaker and writer who helps clients to lead unconventional and revolutionary lives through practicing courage. She’s the author of The Courageous Living Guide, and creator of the Courageous Play and Create Stillness retreats–as well as The Coaching Blueprint, a resource just for Life Coaches. When she’s not writing, coaching, or leading retreats in Italy and San Francisco, she can be found sipping chai in libraries, buffing up on her Italian, training for her next road race, or getting all bendy-stretchy on the yoga mat. Learn more at http://www.yourcourageouslife.com .

Editor: Lynn Hasselberger

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