November 4, 2012

10 Inspiring & 2 Discouraging “Vote!” Posters.


Vote Romney. Vote Obama. Vote Third Party. Vote House, Senate, and local issues. Just Vote.

Let these posters be a reminder that voting in the past has changed our future, and made today’s progress possible.

While the call to vote is non-partisan by nature, elephant has firmly endorsed President Obama. That said, we’re open to those who disagree respectfully, and welcome your articles on elephant—we’re happy to feature pro-third party or even pro-Romney posts. Dialogue is healthy, and there’s too little of it.

Update: My response to a friend who’s voting third party, doesn’t see a difference between the two main candidates:

Amen. That said, while we may all be part of the same country and system, there are very real, practical, grounded differences for gays, poor and middle class, or healthcare, for involvement in foreign wars, for debt, for green energy investment and doubling car efficiency standards, as Obama has done…my complaint is not against third parties, but against those who would drown their discernment in facile cynicism. Two good Scrabble words there, btw.


Source: flickr.com via Hunter on Pinterest


Or, don’t vote. Sit at home, and let others decide.

Source: Uploaded by user via Dan on Pinterest

Source: Uploaded by user via Dan on Pinterest

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