November 6, 2012

An Orgasm a Day keeps the Migraine Away. {NSFW}

Photo: SimplyAbbey.

This just in!

“Not Tonight, honey, I have a headache.”

My kind of health advice: Problem? Migraine. Solution: Doctor says Get Off (either with oneself or a loved one).

“Occasionally, orgasm can trigger a Migraine but, in others, can relieve a Migraine. Dr. Couch’s data suggests that some women who decline, ‘Not tonight, I have a headache,’ may be avoiding an effective treatment.”2

study of Migraine relief with sexual intercourse in women was undertaken at Headache Clinic at Southern Illinois University. For those who obtained relief through orgasm, the level of relief varied, but it is interesting to note that of those who obtained any relief, the largest subset is those who obtained complete relief. Of study participants, 47.4% had complete relief, 49.1% had no relief, and for 5.3%, orgasm made their Migraine worse.2

In comparing the efficacy of orgasm to that of Migraine abortive medications, orgasm is significantly less effective than triptans or DHE, but when it is effective, the onset of relief is faster than.

Dr. Evans and Dr. Couch conclude their journal article with this statement,

“The issue of suppression of headache by orgasm does bring up the possibility of suppression of one multi-faceted, presumably neural origin syndrome (Migraine) by another neural event (perception of sexual orgasm). Perhaps there are other situations in which an indigenous neural process might be used to suppress Migraine. Certainly there are some interesting theoretical possibilities here.”

…Click here for the rest.

Intercourse has been known both to ease migraine pain and to trigger a headache, but its effect depends on the person and the circumstances. We’ve all heard of (and maybe some of us have used) the old excuse Not tonight, honey, I have a headache. But the next time you feel a migraine coming on, sex might be the best remedy…

…Click here for more.

Via, yes, Reddit (read the comments for much more info, and personal experiences):


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