November 3, 2012

elephant journal joined the White House Press corps last night: here are our photos.

Update: video:

You can’t vote early anymore—people can still drop off ballots or vote on Tuesday.

Please try and encourage your friends to get in their vote—whether GOP or liberal, or third party or independent, voting is our duty, honor, pleasure and privilege.

 Click here for our full coverage of the race.

Full writeup of Obama’s event at CU Boulder coming.

All in all it was an exciting event—maybe the third or fifth of Obama’s day—nevertheless he was full of energy, fun, smiles, charisma (a word many friends who were there, but who are less passionate about politics have mentioned to me). Right now Obama and Romney are doing a half dozen states a day—or even a dozen stops, when traveling by bus—we’re in the home stretch of a race that will be decided by moderates and independents. ~ Waylon Lewis

 Hope you enjoy the photos, by our elephant colleague Jeanne Eisenhaure.

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