November 6, 2012

The Yoga Way to Deal with Anger & stay Young.

We posted this 19 minutes ago. It (the intro, not the article, which is excellent, and a hit) made me gag.

Luckily, Jay of Yoga for Cynics, a writer, yoga, and elephriend of ours, had brought some cutting humor to the table:

Yoga for Cynics: Everybody in the yoga crowd knows that the proper way of dealing with anger is to repress it and then passively aggressively let it out at everyone we meet under the guise of being positive…


Amen, Jay. Here in Boulder, Colorado, where I live—I can’t go two minutes without someone advised someone to “think positive.” ‘Cause it’s easier to imagine happy than to feel the present moment?

Yoga is about breathing through, not avoiding and holding breath.

That will keep us young. Not pushing away stress, and clinging to pleasure—which is counter to the spiritual path, and the work of our own, deceptive, sweet, sticky ego. Rather, Pema Chodron advises, we practice the precise opposite.


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