December 11, 2012

I’m Not Weird, I’m a Limited Edition. ~ Martha Brennan Weinfurter


The first time I knew I was becoming comfortable in my own skin was when a new friend described me as an anomaly,which according to Webster means, “deviation from the normal or common order or form or rule.”

She pegged me; I keep people guessing.

Since then, I have been fondly called a “good witch” by my clients as a tribute to progress we have made in our sessions. I smile and take it with the same grace it was given in, because I acknowledge the faith and courage they needed to come into my office.

It was there 10 years ago when I had to decide: who do I trust more, myself or the tribe? Once I decided to honor myself by firmly standing my ground and taking that first step toward exploring another path to wholeness, life has never been the same.

I am still learning to trust, to get out of the way.

It’s when I allow space for that moment to occur, life happens. As Glinda, “the good witch,” stated to Dorothy,

“You had the Power all along my dear.”

I just needed to give it the space and time to find me, and filling it up with an agenda of “shoulds” in this world is not going to accomplish that.

Allowing the straight jacket of appropriate behavior to dictate anyone’s path makes life a chore rather than a playground.

We are meant to be free.

It’s the joy of presenting your gift to the world that fuels you. If you are feeling dread and foreboding with the prospect of another obligatory event on the horizon, listen to your soul; bow out with love and say, “another time.”

Spend time with what brings a smile to your face and figure out how to bring that into your life on a regular basis.

Then share it with the world, because we are hungry for what you have to offer. Please do not deny us.

As the sage TV talk-show host once stated,

“Understand that the right to choose your own path is a sacred privilege. Use it. Dwell in possibility.” ~ Oprah

Words to ponder.

Now Glinda, where’s my broom?


Martha Brennan Weinfurter is a wife, mother, nurse, writer, sister, friend who is exploring with you where the true power in life resides and what happens when you stumble upon it. I hope you enjoy the journey with me and feel free to share your thoughts or experiences along the way at www.neuralbalance.com.



Ed: Terri Tremblett

Like elephant I’m not “Spiritual.” I just practice being a good person on Facebook.

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