January 15, 2013

5 Things I Learned at a Grateful Dead (Furthur) Show. ~ Trudy Collings

“Since it costs a lot to win and even more to lose, you and me are bound to spend some time wondering what to choose”

~ Grateful Dead, Deal

1. Don’t Be Sorry

This is what a young woman said to me as I was meandering through the crowd during this past New Year’s run; these three words truly resonated with me. They made me realize how often I say “I’m sorry” when it’s unnecessary. Women in particular seem to have the propensity to too frequently utter this little phrase. Don’t be sorry; instead, live and learn with no regrets.

2. Be Yourself

On New Year’s Eve, a young fellow came up to me and everyone around me and said “Thank you for being you” and boogied away to continue to spread his message. In any other setting, I might have thought this guy was being a smartass; however, at a Dead show, things can and do change. Inhibitions are lost and guards come down. This fellow helped me remember it truly is a pleasure to be you. The journey is to find your true self and love what you find. You are unique and divine.

3. Be Present and Let Go

The Grateful Dead teaches its listeners how to be present. Rather than rush on to the next song, the music ebbs and flows and takes you into a tapestry of sound. You have no choice but to surrender to the moment and the experience of letting go.

4. Embrace Change

The song The Wheel exemplifies this best for me:

“The wheel is turning and you can’t slow down,
You can’t let go and you can’t hold on,
You can’t go back and you can’t stand still,
If the thunder don’t get you then the lightning will.”

Life is like a wheel. If you live in the past, you hinder yourself and your budding wings; you must keep moving, adjusting, adapting.

The Grateful Dead have embraced change throughout the years. From the Grateful Dead, to The Dead, Ratdog, Phil Lesh & Friends and Furthur, the band has adapted, tried new things and played with legends as well as people new to the game.

The band has embraced change while remaining true to themselves and their journey. It is important to always remember where you are from but always remain open to change.

5. Be Grateful

“Gratefulness is heaven in itself.” ~ William Blake

Remember to be grateful for this moment, for this breath, for this life, for the challenges and for all the beauty in this world. This can be a difficult lesson to learn, but it will make you a better person for yourself to live with, and others.



Trudy Collings is a student and teacher of yoga at Grass Valley Yoga and is currently studying at the California College of Ayurveda. Trudy believes that yoga and Ayurveda is for every body and hopes to assist people in establishing harmony from the inside out. Before becoming enveloped in yoga and Ayurveda, Trudy received her Bachelor’s degrees in Anthropology and English from the University of Florida.



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Ed: Bryonie Wise

Assistant Ed: Jennifer Spesia


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