January 29, 2013

“Don’t Stop Believin’—Unless Your Dream is Stupid, Then Get a Better Dream.” ~ Maja Despot

A Message From Kid President

Feeling a little down, uninspired or just have a case of the “Mondays?”

Kid President reminds us to enjoy the simplicity of each moment and to keep dreaming big—and to be awesome, anybody can be boring.


Share his message with someone that needs a little boost or simply as a thanks for their encouraging words and lets get the world dancing.

And in the words of Kid President, “This is our time…and if we are on the same team lets start acting like it.” Start now, make the world awesome.



Maja Despot is a college student trying to figure out her place in the world, while making a positive impact. She’s a veggie, a blogger and mother of a feisty puppy named Minnie, whom she absolutely adores. She enjoys yoga, crafts and learning. Maja came to United States in 1997 from the former Yugoslavia. Six months later she was fluent in English. She’s currently studying Sociology at the University of Illinois at Chicago and hopes to use it to give back to the world.


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Ed: Brianna Bemel

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