January 24, 2013

Imagine if John Lennon Were Around to See Us Today. ~ Dawn Meysel

What was John Lennon thinking when he wrote this song?

My daughter is a funny, brilliant, beautiful, brave person. Far braver than I was at her age. She decided to join the public speaking team at school again this year. That would have been my worst nightmare if I was 14 going on 45!

The topic was “A title of a 20th century song.”

This is her one minute speech. Stick with me, there is a point to all of this, not just me bragging about my great kids!

The topic, “A Title of a 20th century song,” led me to choose “Imagine” by the late, great John Lennon. When John Lennon wrote this song, he was imagining an ideal world, a better world.

I wonder what he would think if he saw what the future actually looks like in reality today.

Countries still at war, children dying of hunger, people being killed for religious beliefs, animals being slaughtered to satisfy people’s appetites, carbon emissions choking our planet.

Imagine we could stop this!

Imagine what we could do if we each tried spending five minutes everyday being intentionally kind.

Picking up a piece of litter, making a donation to charity, smiling at a stranger, listening without prejudice ….

Just five minutes. That’s not hard to imagine……. is it?

By Dominique Meysel

Is being intentional enough?

Anyone who knows me, will know that I am a huge advocate of intentional living. I think paying it forward is a karmic gem that God has gifted the world with. Unfortunately, most of us have gotten too wrapped up in all the gory, busy, messy stuff of life to even consider thinking about our neighbor.

We’re just too busy.

Paying mortgages, raising kids, working long hours, escaping on Facebook (a personal favorite of mine!), worrying, stressing, rushing, fighting, being depressed, battling addictions—the list is endless. Hell, who has time for other people? I’m just trying to survive from one day to the next!

But we all know that a little bit of intentional living is a real panacea for the soul. We all know that we feel good when we reach out. We all know deep down that we can make a difference.

Sometimes we just need to be reminded, that’s all.

Whilst trawling FB this morning, I came across this video. With my daughter’s speech yesterday and this video today, I sort of figured that the universe is giving me a gentle little nudge.

Maybe it’ll nudge you too. If we all get nudged a little, who knows what we could accomplish.

Imagine …….


Dawn Meysel hails from South Africa. Wife, Mother of Twins, Lover of books, her bed, her family, her two Zen Masters (her cats) and chocolate. She’s astounded by love and grace, appalled at hatred and injustice.  Intrepid seeker of Truth, student of the soul and spirituality, counselor, friend. She’s part of a nation clawing its way to restoration, forgiveness and healing. There’s still a long way to go but she’s excited to be alive at this time with SA’s rainbow nation, cultural and religious diversity and really good, funky food! She’s a novice student of yoga, a vegetarian, animal rights activist and non flakey in the nicest way! She lives by two mottos, “This too shall pass” and “Now, with God’s help, I shall become myself.” You can contact her at [email protected].


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Ed: Brianna Bemel

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