January 7, 2013

Vote for Yoga-based Movement & Mindfulness in Schools.

Via our partner, Move with Me.

Good news for yoga education: Move with Me Action Adventures, an innovative kids yoga and story based movement and mindfulness program is one of 10 semi-finalists in Partnership for a Healthier America’s End Childhood Obesity Challenge.

Their idea to end obesity is simple–make their super-successful yoga, creative movement and self-care and regulation classes with children available on video such that parents, teachers and care-givers can immediately start to fulfill the Let’s Move mandate. These video programs make it possible for kids to participate in active play and social emotional learning regardless of family or schools limitations due to lack of funding, time, training, space, weather.

Most parents, teachers or care-givers of young children cannot afford daily access to a yoga and movement teacher and are not trained themselves in yoga or movement nor how to manage stress internally and healthfully to maintain mind-body wellness. Video classes taught and produced by experts is an affordable, accessible, scalable solution. Video works universally as healthy, educational playtime—at home, individually, and at school, in groups. They can also be designed to serve diverse populations and specific needs.

Obesity in children cannot be remedied with exercise alone. Though plenty of play and movement instruction is vital to physical fitness and cognitive development, kids also need healthy nutrition habits and emotional health. The Move with Me story-based yoga adventures not only provide fun fitness, they also equip kids with self-regulation and coping skills, so that they are less likely to self-soothe through consumption of food and can call on inner resources and mind-body techniques when they face challenges and emotional upsets.

To be one of the three finalists Move with Me must earn votes. Only the top three semi-finalists with the most public votes will be invited to present their entrepreneurial ideas at the Building a Healthier Future Summit, March 6 to 8, 2013, in Washington, DC. Public voting extends through January 31. This is an opportunity for the yoga community to unite and support yoga in schools on a large scale. If Move with Me wins the PHA Challenge, yoga education takes a giant step forward into the mainstream. Please take a minute and check out Move with Me’s video submission with founder, Leah Kalish, nationally known children’s yoga teacher and trainer, former Program Director of Yoga Ed. And then vote!

Vote here: it’s simple and only takes a minute.

The youth yoga community has been rallied by Abby Wills of Shanti Generation and has organized a raffle for anyone who takes the time to vote for Move with Me. More than 65 prizes have been donated by youth yoga organizations like Shanti Generation, Yoga in my School, Child Light Yoga, K-12Yoga.org and many more. The raffle will take place across dozens of youth yoga websites and blogs as well as facebook.  Click here for more information and to enter the raffle.

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