January 24, 2013

What Intimacy’s all about.

More Robin, because we miss him and will never get enough: The best scene from Good Will Hunting.


Good Will Hunting—”Idiosyncrasies.”

The quirky imperfect idiosyncratic things are the good stuff. Love isn’t a perfect, hypothetical fairytale…it’s found in farts so loud the dog wakes up.

The bit about farting was improvised, and the laughter so hard and genuine that you can see the camera, held by the camera man, shaking with laughter.

Very interesting. Reminds me of…
“It’s not your fault.”
“thanks, yeah whatever.”
“It’s not your fault.”
“Cool. Thanks.”
“It’s not your fault.”
“I got it. Ok?”
“It’s not your fault.”
“Cut it out, man!”
“It’s not your fault.”
Oh fuck. Sobbing ensues. Beautiful scene.
[above summation via Reddit]


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Waylon Lewis  |  Contribution: 1,569,305

author: Waylon Lewis

Image: Video Still

Copy Editor: Marisa Zocco