February 4, 2013

Smoothie Recipe for Yogis: Get Your Greens On! ~ Lisa Starchild

Your practice is over.

You are thirsty, and a little hungry too as you, the good yogi, did not eat before class.

So what do you do?

It’s time to fill your belly!

And ideally, fill it with a treat—a treat that both you and your divine body love. Green smoothies are amazing nutrition power houses and taste absolutely delicious! The fibers of all ingredients are filling and slow the break down of sugar, providing you with a constant flow of long lasting energy. And the best part, you can make them in advance and store them in your fridge for up to 48 hours!

Berry Blast:

100g raspberries

100g strawberries

100g blueberries

1 apple, chopped

2 cups of baby spinach, packed

2 cups of water


Blend everything, adding the spinach in the blend, then blend it up once more until smooth.

Lean back, sip enjoy or fill in your thermos and refrigerate until you’re off to yoga. Or work—it’s a great snack to bring to the office!

What’s especially good about this smoothie?

Berries just taste great. More importantly though, they are chock full of antioxidants! They fight free radicals and protect your healthy shiny, freshly oxygenated cells from being damaged. Berries also have the power to lower cholesterol and balance blood pressure.

Spinach contains 13 flavonoid compounds which are cancer fighting warriors, and it also protects your heart and bones. Who doesn’t want to run, dance, do handstands and live life as long as possible?

So get your greens on, throw a handful into any smoothie and give your body and yourself a real treat!

P.S. Kids love it too—if they fear anything green, let them sip from a thermos. They will be able to smell the berries but won’t be scared off by the unpleasant color.



Lisa Starchild was born in Vienna and teaches raw food, yoga and freediving (diving on a single breath). So far, she has presented raw foods in Thailand, Australia, Austria and Canada and her raw videos have gained worldwide attention. Printed works by Lisa include: “Raw Food Self Made” and “Feels Great. Tastes Great. Christmas!” Her third book, “Smooth & Juicy: 130+ smoothies, juices and cocktails for YOU,” is available on her website and Amazon. There are many free recipes on her website to browse through. Aside from raw food, she loves yoga, the mountains, the seas, free diving, life and all that is. Check out her website, Facebook page, Instagram or Twitter.


Follow Mindful Green on Twitter!

Asst. Ed.: ShaMecha Simms / Ed: Brianna Bemel

Photo: Jennifer / SweetOnVeg.com

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