February 4, 2013

This wasn’t just the best Super Bowl Commercial.

Update: click here for the best thing I’ve read on elephant in forever: the rest of the story.

Update: was Ram’s commercial “plagiarized” from this youtube vid?

“Here’s the thing, though: While beautifully produced, it’s not exactly a new idea. As Slate points out…Farms.com posted a YouTube video in 2011, also featuring Harvey’s speech and images of farmers. (The audio, incidentally, is from a 1978 speech Harvey made to the Future Farmers of America.)”

The best Super Bowl Commercial? One of the best commercials I’ve ever seen, period.

Did you know? Good earth, health and farmer-and-seed-killing Monsanto is a sponsor of the farmer org touted below. So let’s use any inspiration via the below commercial to intro folks to Mr. Joel Salatin, Mr. Organic Farming not only Works it can be More Productive and Healthy—share up this blog!

This was one of the best commercials of any kind I’ve ever seen, and heard:

Thing is, some farmers are being “encouraged” (forced, often) to cut corners, these days, by subsidies and Monsanto. Here’s one farmer (a Republican, God-loving man at that) who isn’t.

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