February 17, 2013

“What 200 calories looks like in various foods.” {Photos}

It’s not, fundamentally, about calories. It’s about wellness. It’s about self-nurturing.

Some of this is debatable. Some of it is silly. But it’s all illuminating: (I’ll take an apple, please)

How to grow your own food:

Mindful tips on how to run on a Plant-based diet:

First, let us all acknowledge “that calories are not the sole measure for the health value of food.” Nutritional benefit in milk, for example, well exceeds that of Coke.

For more. (Source)

For burritos and,,,sexytime).

Just about every one of the below blows my mind and doesn’t surprise me, much, simultaneously.

Except for the small pile of Doritos.

Also, here’s what you can do with broccoli. It’s delicious.

“Did you know that 200 calories equates to 588 grams of broccoli but a mere 51 grams of gummy bears? Find out more interesting facts like this in this insightful infographic.”



100 calories

200 calories food

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