March 22, 2013

Bondi Hipsters: It’s the Life Organic for me (3 3 3).

F*ck Gluten. F*ck “the Mindful Life.” It’s the Life Organic for me (3 3 3, irony).

Hunky Bondi Hipsters are backatit.

PS: True Definition of a true Hipster? Here.

The best video making fun of, well, us (minus the coke) since the last one they did that we loved:

Official Music Video to the song “The Life Organic” by Dom and Adrian. It’s all about trying to be healthy and maintain a balanced social life in the big city. http://www.facebook.com/DomandAdrian


Written by Christiaan Van Vuuren and Lance Gurisik
Performed by Christiaan Van Vuuren and Nick Boshier
Produced by Lancelot (www.soundcloud.com/lancelotofficial or www.facebook.com/lancelotofficial)


Shot by Jan Reichle
Produced by Christiaan Van Vuuren and Adele Vuko
Directed and Cut by Van Vuuren Bros


We have a healthy lifestyle by the sea,
We eat organic and gluten free,
We do bikram yoga and pilates,
We like soy late’s and goji berries.

Fuck carbs, fuck fats, fuck calories,
I snack on fucken celery,
And then on the weekend I just don’t eat,
Cause I’ll be smashing lines of of toilet seats.

Don’t you read my tweets? I’m off my head,
My heart beat stopped, fuck you should be dead,
That was intense, Do you wanna go to bed?
No bra, lets eat some caps instead!

You know what that sounds like to me?
No man. It sounds like irony.
Hey man, if we just found irony,
Do you know how ironic, that would be?

What do you get when you take a hobo,
Add some emo, a touch of metro, a hipster.
I’m not one though, uh uh, no way,
You don’t know me bro.

Shopping at garage sales is really cool,
Hey man look at that it’s totes old school.
Who are you kidding, not a chance,
I get all my cool shit from General Pants.

Hey Adrian bra, you got a smoke?
Stop scabbing Dom! It’s becoming a joke!
Come on bra, I’m always broke,
But I’ve got 350 for a bag of coke.

You know what that sounds like to me?
No man. It sounds like irony.
Hey man, if we just found irony,
Do you know how ironic, that shit would be?

We like to make up, our own words,
That are loosely based on existing words.
Like totes, maybs, gorge, brill, awk, redick, devo,
Cazj, presh, deets, sitch, addy, vag, deffo.

And sometimes we change the sounds of words ay,
Like instead of rage we say rargaye,
And instead of target we say targaye,
But we don’t shop there, cause Target’s gay.

We don’t shower cause it’s a waste of water,
Plus it makes you look cool like you don’t bother.
But it’s hard to minimise your environmental footprint,
When you have to wear so much deodorant.

You know what that sounds like to me?
No man. It sounds like irony.
Hey man, if we just found irony,
Do you know how ironic, that would be?

You know me, I’m on the 333,
Bondi Beach to Circular Quay.
You know me, I’m on the 333,
Circular Quay then back to the sea.

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