March 13, 2013

How many Bunnies did we Torture this Morning? ~ Jennifer Spesia

On March 11, 2013, the European Union (EU) made it official—any cosmetic company who wishes to sell their products in the EU must not torture bunnies, cats, dogs, mice, guinea pigs or any other living creature to do so.

The only cosmetics available for purchase in the EU now, are cosmetics developed through cruelty-free means. This means 500 million consumers are now using products which do not torture, maim or kill innocent animals. This is huge!

Have you seen some of the animal testing videos on Peta’s website? They’re horrifying! And, did you know 219 animals per minute are dying alone and in misery in laboratory cages, for lipstick and mascara?

We talk a lot about mindfulness and the importance of being aware, but mindfulness doesn’t just refer to meditation practice. We can bring mindfulness to every area of our lives, including being mindful and conscious consumers.

It’s important we understand where our food comes from and how it was grown, and it’s just as important to know what is in the products we use and how they were developed and tested.

Personally, I feel better putting mascara on knowing a bunny didn’t lose its eyeball for me. Kinda’ feels like there could be some bad karma or juju attached to that, doesn’t it?

If you are interested in learning more about which companies do and do not use animal testing, click here.

If you are interested in being part of the solution instead of part of the problem, and you would like to take the cruelty-free pledge, click here.

The pledge states: Testing on animals is cruel and unnecessary. By signing this pledge, I refuse to spend my money on companies that make animals suffer for their products or to support corporations that abuse animals.

Please share this information with all your family and friends. Each one of us can choose to make a difference for ourselves, and for the bunnies.


Jennifer Spesia is a yoga teacher, world traveler, psychotherapist, philosopher, seeker, practitioner of Eastern spiritual traditions, Returned Peace Corps Volunteer (Cote d’Ivoire, West Africa), human companion to three amazing dogs and eternal student. She will complete her PhD in Psychology in 2013 and is looking forward to having the time to read books for pleasure again soon. You can connect with Jennifer via her Bhadra Yoga Facebook page or her blog.




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Ed: Bryonie Wise

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