March 20, 2013

Road Rage On the Internet Highway—What Triggers You? ~ Jenny G. Perry

Source: pc-site.co.uk via PC on Pinterest

We all have our triggers.

We see someone post something online, our anger rises.

We all have something that does this. It may be even people’s comments. It’s easy to say that we shouldn’t operate from our ego, we should observe and not judge. I’m trying. But what I am seeing is that the internet provides us with a detachment from what we are writing.

Would we say these things to people’s faces? It’s all about intention. What is our intention?

Do we want to be right?

Do we want to inform?

Do we want to teach someone something?

Do we want to show them another opinion?

Do we want to piss them off because they pissed us off?

There should be a thirty second delay before posting anything online.

Where a pop-up says, take a deep breath, count to ten.

Do you really want to post this? Would you be proud if your kids said this, your parents, or your friends? I’m not taking about a naughty joke, because I have a great sense of humor, but I am talking mean jokes, comments, or things that don’t add value to anyone’s life, including your own.

I will admit to looking on people.com for celebrity news. I love fashion and sometimes they may have an interesting story about a celeb that helps others. One day, I looked at the comments to a picture of Kim Kardashian and people were going wild. They were beyond mean and even hateful. I don’t get the obsession with the Kardashians… nor the hate for them. I really don’t care. What bothered me was that these people were expecting her to still stay thin as a pregnant woman. There was so much emphasis on her weight and how she looks. It triggered something within me. I wasn’t angry. I was sad that people are so hard on women and women celebrities are suppose to be perfect. They are people.

It’s one thing to have an opinion about someone, or even tell your friend, but taking the time to comment on a website is something else. I want to tell those people to look in the mirror and then go take a walk and connect with nature. Try to make friends. But stop the hate. The celebrity is not going to see your comment—they know better than to look at the comments.

Source: Uploaded by user via Mandy on Pinterest

When people can hide behind commenting as a guest or even just their first name, it’s cyber bullying anonymously. Why would anyone intentionally want to hurt someone’s feelings? Why? Does it make them feel better? No wonder the kids in school are getting bullied, if their parents are cyber bullying celebs (and who knows, maybe others) online.

As adults, we’re all teaching the next generation about life, how to live, and how to feel about themselves, through our example. This obsession with judging others by their appearance is bullshit. I want us to all think we are beautiful. Let who you are shine through. A nice person keeps looking better the longer you know them. I live life with intention.

My intention is to inform and to make you think. If this triggers you, ask yourself why?

Self-growth is an ongoing process. When things trigger us, it’s an opportunity to grow. Now that I got my message out, I’m going to practice compassion for those who cyber bully. We can always ask ourselves, like I ask my kids, are you part of the solution or are you part of the problem? We need to think before we act.

Jenny G. Perry is the author of The Jennifers, a spunky married mother of four beautiful kids, who has a passion for life that she infuses in her work. She’s happily resides at the Jersey Shore. She loves to blog about her life’s journey in a fun and spiritual way. Calling herself a silly-sassy-spiritual-sexpot, she aims to uplift and inspire daily on her Facebook page. Her website is jennygperry.com.


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Ed: Lynn Hasselberger

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