April 1, 2013

Apples May Hold the Key to Anti-Aging. {April Fools’ edition}

We’ve all heard the expression, “an apple a day keeps the doctor away,” but it gets better.

Scientists at the Food Research Institute in Prague have discovered a molecule in apple leaves that may reduce and possibly even reverse common signs of aging, including age spots and perhaps even wrinkles.

Recent experiments studying the “varietal characteristics of apples from viewpoint of allergen presence” have, according to an anonymous source, delivered more information than originally expected. On condition of anonymity, this source spoke recently with London Evening Standard about the accidental discovery.

The source claims that researchers studying several varieties of apples noted that exposure to the leaves of MacIntosh apple trees had benefits to their skin—they noted that frequent handling of the apple leaves began to erase age spots on their hands over the course of several months.

This accidental discovery has lead to further testing of the molecular properties of the leaves to determine whether human consumption, either as a food additive or steeped in tea, may aid in targeting other signs of aging.

“We are optimistic that biomedical production of apple leaves could begin as early as 2014, assuming further testing supports our existing theorem.”

~ Anonymous

Scientists caution that there may be detrimental side-effects from consumption of apple leaves; they advise the public that further study is being conducted and results are expected within six to nine months.

So, in the meantime—why not reach for that apple, just in case?

Happy April Fool’s Day!

Terri Tremblett is a freelance writer and editor who also works in finance and dabbles in various artistic pursuits. She is equally at home walking the beach or digging in the dirt but has not yet mastered the art of walking by a book store without going in. Her education did not end when she finished university, as her life regularly proves.

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Ed: Bryonie Wise

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