April 11, 2013

This woman wants to avoid Monsanto, but can’t afford to eat organic. What should she do?

This question—voicing a real concern that thousands of caring citizens everywhere share—came in last night, in response to my blog: Monsanto: the most Evil Company in the Universe. {Here’s Why}


I am a low wage earner, and as much as I would love to avoid these products, they are the only things within my price range. I want to be able to grow my own organic garden, but it is difficult, working the hours I do.

Farmer’s markets are nice when in season, but it isn’t always the case. Coupled with the lack of organic stores (we have one independent store, whole foods, and if you’re lenient, Trader Joe’s), and their locations relative to mine, it is fiscally irresponsible of me to buy in. So, what does someone like me do?


Amazing question. Thank you. You’re not alone: http://www.elephantjournal.com/2010/05/daily-dilemmas-of-a-householder-why-i-dont-eat-organic/

First of all, I’d love to hear more about what you do—the person asking such a great question must have some strategies?

Second of all, you can pick your battles: if we can only afford to buy some organics, these are key: http://www.elephantjournal.com/2013/03/the-top-15-foods-to-buy-organic-stefanie-dewysockie/ Here’s another such list: http://www.elephantjournal.com/2012/03/12-foods-you-should-buy-organic-jessica-hoffman-debra-boutin/

Third of all, right on. Twice in the last 10 years (for an extended period of years, both times) I was reduced to an income smaller than my expenses, and lived off day old muffins and such. I found the bulk aisle was my friend, in terms of getting quality food for less. And as you say farmers markets, when they’re closing, will sell stuff at a fraction of their price (including tax!)…though again if it’s not organic, farmers may be using Monsanto/GMOs.

Here’s the blog that’s written for your question: http://www.elephantjournal.com/2010/06/eating-organic-is-not-just-for-the-rich-cat-delett/

Hope that helps? Let me know your thoughts? ~ Waylon

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