April 1, 2013

Victory for We the People! Senate passes GMO & Fracking review bills. {April Fools’ edition}

GMOs banned (well, under review)! Fracking permits subject to environmental review! Hurray for our Senate, putting we the 99% first over short-sighted business interests!

It’s yet another victory for well-organized, motivated internet-savvy environmentalist lefty “Slacktivists.”

Due to overwhelming activism—that is, people signing petitions on Facebook—the Senate has passed a bill that will limit GMOs and Fracking severely—both will only be permitted after extensive reviews and impact studies. Once established that they’re safe, only then will they be allowed to go forward. This common-sense implementation follows the example of Europe and other governments that have, for years, but the interests of the 99% first.

John Hickenlooper, the once-popular governor of Colorado who used to be considered an environmentalist until he pushed for more fracking:

“This so-called progressive decision by the Senate comes as a serious defeat to business interests, and those seeking to fund my 2020 presidential campaign.”

This victory marks another stunning victory for the grassroots left, whose Occupy movement has gone on to become a real, grounded, practical force for change in America—along the lines of the Tea Party. Gone are the days when liberals merely criticized one another, when we’d rather be right and self-righteous than make humble progress or compromise, and gone are the days when slacktivism was considered, by some (including yours truly) to be a lazy, weak, largely self-serving gesture of a speedy, careless citizenry.

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