May 25, 2013

They Told Her She’d End Up In a Wheelchair.

I was 29, a brand new mom, and I had just been diagnosed with a disease I’d never even heard of.

Multiple Sclerosis stops people from moving. They don’t know what causes the body to attack itself, and they don’t know how to cure it. It’s a mysterious and unpredictable illness, and a diagnosis often takes years because symptoms can temporarily improve- or even disappear- at times.

For me, MS is a blessing because it requires that I be mindful of how my mind and body are feeling at every moment of every day.

Yoga and Ayurveda keep my life in balance, and are integral to my path to optimal health. Because if MS is going to try and stop me from moving, I sure as hell am not going down without a fight. ~ Saira Manjothi


Saira enjoying dancer pose on the New England coast where she resides with her husband and two sons.


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