July 21, 2013

3 Surprising Things that Will Increase Your Productivity at Work by 30% Each.

Three ways to get more done, faster, better, and more slowly. Wait, what?

Why’s my dog here? It’s, like, Science, man.

1. Take your work to a café (nytimes.com). Don’t work at home. Don’t work in a office, even. Invite chaos—and good coffee—and community into your life. It’ll make you happier, more awake (in both the caffeinated and spiritual sense). Why? Because your mind needs gaps, not just focus, for creativity. Certain things require focus. But too much focus, and the mind grows tired, depressed, inward-looking instead of fun, resourceful, visionary.

2. Dogs improve office productivity: Study finds that office employees who had “a dog to slobber and pounce on them rank their team-mates more highly on measures of trust, team cohesion and intimacy.” (economist.com) Make your work dog-friendly. Everyone, no matter their mood—stressed, pissed, shy, speedy—can slow down and relate with cute dogs. Clients also light up. Dogs are silly and sweet…and chaotic. They make a house a home, and a bland office, rather surprisingly, a factory for genius. Obviously: dogs need to be trained, and owners need to be trained. That said: chaos should be regarded as extremely good news. Bonus: “Another colleague was scared of dogs, but the owner kept the dog in check well enough that the girl eventually slowly got over her fear and feels more secure around other dogs as well.”

3. Finally, and most importantly, slow down. It’s counter-intuitive, but busyness isn’t productive. Avoid multi-tasking. Bike to work, instead of driving. The fresh air and exercise will do your mind and morale good. Listen: ask advice instead of just working long hours. Sleep. Eat real food—forget the Red Bull. Meditate.


Relephant bonus:


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