July 10, 2013

Nectar of Silence. {Poem} ~ María Patricia Torres


Being lost in this subjective consciousness is all I want

There’s no doubt and there’s no reason

I am lost in this freedom called self

Where all boundaries consume my spirit.

I am lost in a world where Knowledge confines the Heart and breaks the Spirit.

I am lost without regard in the superfluous words of the mind.

I call to you in this purely night,

I call to you…


No knowledge, no judgment, nor moral

Would give me the taste of the conundrum that swayed

Chaos and Heaven.

Where pure consciousness awaits

I exist*** and Inside

I seek pure, consistent ecstasies.

I seek no guarantees, no expectations, no security.

I seek endogenous light in sunless days.

I seek crystal clear water in the oblivious desert.

I seek Earth in this unstructured path.

I seek Blood thicker than Love itself

And before me, beneath me, and in Me

I am craving you.

I am extracting you.

I am feeding through you.


In the lost subjective consciousness of silence,

I relish the nectar of my delightful desire.


María Patricia Torres is a 25 years old graduate student in Psychology, passionate about the psychology of the soul. She dreams of integrating the spiritual aspect of the human being to the study of what society considers mental health. Her passion is to write poetry about Silence. This Silence she talks about, in her workshops, is the sacred space where the body and the mind “meets.” This bridge that is so sacred for the spirit, because it enables our souls for creation and communication with our true selves. The silence frees the mind of the baggage of one’s desires by healing mind and body through acceptance. In poetry: let’s meet each other, between the mind and body, find me there.

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Assistant Editor: Brian Bruce Casteel Logan/Ed: Brianna Bemel


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