July 4, 2013

Why elephant hearts Satish Kumar. ~ Carrie Stiles

Wisdom from an Earth Pilgrim.

One of the greatest blessings of my life was studying with the visionary peace pilgrim Satish Kumar at Navdanya for the Earth University’s (Bija Vidyapeeth’s) remarkable Gandhi and Globalization Course.

Satish Ji founded Schumacker College in Devon England. He became a walking Jain monk at the age of nine in Rajasthan. Satish Ji escaped to join the Gandhian movement and Vinoba Bhave, the leader of Gandhi’s Satyagraha truth force movement.

In 1962, Kumar and his friend E P Menon undertook a peace pilgrimage walking from India to the four capitals of the nuclear world: Moscow, Paris, London and the U.S. and took no money on their walking voyage at the advice of their guru Vinoba Bhave.

Please be inspired and share these videos.

“This was Mahatma Gandhi’s idea, moving from ownership to relationship—seeing that land does not belong to us. We belong to the land. We are not the owners of the land. We are the friends of the land, like friends of the earth. The fundamental shift is in this consciousness that land does not belong to us, we belong to the land.”

~ Satish Kumar

Satish Kumar on Vinoba Bhave Talks on the Gita. 

Earth Pilgrim Satish Kumar on Civil Disobedience.

Earth Pilgrim Satish Kumar on non-violence at Navdanya.

Earth Pilgrim Satish Kumar on the trial of Mahatma Gandhi Ji.

Satish Kumar & Madhu on Nonviolent Thought at Navdanya.

Satish Kumar No Such Thing as Utopia.

Earth Pilgrim Satish Kumar on Binary Dualism at Navdanya. 

“We live under the power of Modern Consciousness, which means that we are obsessed with progress. Wherever you are is not good enough. We always want to achieve something, rather than experience something. The opposite of this is Spiritual Consciousness. By that I mean you find enchantment in every action you do, rather in just the results of your action. Spiritual Consciousness is not a particular religion but a way of being.”

~ Satish Kumar


Carrie Stiles is a yogi, multimedia creator and social media strategist with an M.A. in Conflict Resolution. She has worked, studied and played in over 30 countries on 5 continents. Her ambitious adventures have taken her high in the Himalayas and past Timbuktu in the Sahara (before the Rebels took over). Carrie is on the road again seeking enlightenment and adventure in SE Asia. Carrie aspires to raise awareness about how small actions lead to large scale social transformation. Connect with her on her environmental conflict resolution blog and her guide to social media. You can see some of her Tiny Yoga Flicks and also find her on Facebook.


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Ed: Bryonie Wise

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