5.4 Editor's Pick
October 20, 2013

Did you know? Wearing a Bra is not one of the 5 Biggest Factors affecting Breast Ptosis. {Nudity}

“According to a 15 year study, bras actually make breasts sag more than not wearing a bra.” Well, maybe.

Breast Comparison: African tribe women and a Western journalist. [NSFW] (photos)


“That’s a beautiful set of pictures. Just lovely. Not sexualized or anything, just fun and connections between cultures.”

“…This made me smile. Some things just transcend language, and it’s beautiful when people across cultures can make a connection like this. Anthropologist nerditude.”

Source: “photographer Alexander Gusov: http://gusov.blogspot.com

“Sagging is partly determined by inherited traits like skin elasticity and breast density, which affects the ratio of lightweight fat to heavier mammary glands. Some of the sagging is due to the aging of the glandular tissues that produce breast firmness.

The biggest factors affecting ptosis of the breasts are cigarette smoking, a woman’s body mass index (BMI), her number of pregnancies, her breast cup size before pregnancy, and age.


Researchers, bra manufacturers, and health professionals cannot find any evidence to support the idea that wearing a bra for any amount of time slows breast ptosis.

According to a 15 year study, bras actually make breasts sag more than not wearing a bra. …well, maybe: “The study has never been completed, never been peer reviewed, never been published. The professor made a remark on a student radio station and it became viral (Source). Now the study keeps being posted…” Discussion.

There’s different kinda of breast shapes, bro. Here is a chart [Possible NSFW] Since genetics play such a large role in appearance, many of the ‘National Geographic’ tits are simply tubular shaped, rather than the round shape most white and asian women seem to have.

Also, generally breasts sag because the bottom ligaments become weaker with age. Most of the human body does. While strength training can help woman look better, it is a common myth that they can strengthen their pectoral muscles to avoid sagging. [Possible NSFW chart] to show a visual of the area. Breasts are essentially an organ of milk production and body fat. They are not held in with muscles. Rather, it floats on top.

I hope this is useful information.” Source.



Relephant Reads:

Advantages of Small Boobs (SFW Cartoon).


15 Things you should know about Breasts.


Boobies are Beautiful—all Around the World. 


Image. Image.

Mindful bonus:


Learn to love ourselves as we are:

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