October 24, 2013

I just became a Russell Brand fan. So will you, if you watch this.

Russell Brand and Jeremy Paxman on Newsnight 2013 [Full Interview]

Of course, the problem with Russell’s wonderful argument is that there is no solution for enlightened goverment other than if you happen to luck into an enlightened despot, and then you’ve got succession problems. Humans are humans. Power corrupts. I personally vote because I strongly feel that voting for the best of two imperfect choices makes a small, but significant difference.

Great comment from Reddit: “I know I’m being cynical, but I have to ask: do political revolutions ever turn out well for the people in the end? It seems to me that even the noblest of intentions end up failing because the human tendency is that power corrupts, and whomever is at the top of the political spectrum will take advantage of the ignorant middle class.

Russell Brand talks about revolution but does it ever work? I think about incidents like Marxist theory (noble intention) being realistically applied to politics (Cuba, Russia) and it never seems to turn out well.”




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