October 23, 2013

Too Hot, Too Cold? Four Keys to “Just Right” Sex.

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Don’t be a jerk–do be intimate, do be empowered, do communicate.

You can love someone…but if they’re too hot, or too cold, it’s over sooner or later. Unless you communicate. So, find a way to get your Sexytime just right.

This is how we like it.

I’m no sex expert. Sexpert. Neither are you. Sexcept that I am. And so are you. Because we’ve had a lot of it. Or, not. Either way, we know what we like. Hopefully.

You get what I mean, anyway. I think.

So: I’ve found that great sex is, ahem, hard to find. Beautiful partners, fun partners, doesn’t matter. In bed, people are different people. Some are insecure. Be stable with them. Don’t be pushy. Be real. They’ll relax, and open up.

Some are empowered. Some are lions. Some are wild, but not putting on a show—rather the opposite, they’re tingling with every touch, out of control because they’ve let go.

Some relationships are beautiful ships…but run aground on the shoals of the bed (or the couch, or the floor, or the dining table). I’ve dated many a partner who…lost me, and us, when it came to sexytime. And I’m sure I’m no catch, either. Though I am sometimes.

So: how do we find a match, and strike it, and light it up and burn the bed down?

Easy: be real.

Here’s four keys:

Know what you want and need. We need to remember to let go of doing anything we think we have to do. Do not go through the motions. Just do what we want to do. I was dating a love of my life, back in the day—on one of our first strolls around the park she stopped, looked me in the eyes, and said: If I don’t orgasm, you’re blankety-blank. I have no idea what the threat was. Because there wasn’t really one. It was worse that that: there was no way she was gonna let me race to the finish line and have my own party. That wasn’t an option. And we had some of the best sex of my life. For hours. For years.
Don’t be a jerk. Don’t be pushy. But: be confident. Easier said that done? Shut up. Don’t be a jerk. I have a lot of friends who…when they talk about sex, they sound like jerks. Don’t be selfishly selfish. Serve the other. That said, be cooperatively selfish: communicate what you want and need. There’s nothing hotter than a lady or gentleman who knows what they want, and makes that clear. Which leads us to…

Communicate More. Don’t be shy about communicating. Don’t. Don’t. Do not. Please. Communicate. This seems like a tough one. PS: if you say, I never cum, go ahead and do your thing, you are doing yourself a disservice, as well as your partner. It’s called making love because it takes two. Fucking is hot, but bunnies can do it. And boy do they do.

Intimacy is the Good Stuff. It’s all about touch. Hands. Relaxing, and being strong, simultaneously. Stability. Practice being present. Ride your breath, not just your partner. Ride the present moment like a beautiful horse. Stay present. If you can’t stay present during the best thing ever, well, I don’t know why we bother to get up in the morning. But: don’t be too, er, hard on yourself. If things don’t go well, or go quickly, make up for your mistakes with some quality cuddle-age. Or shower together. Laugh. But don’t laugh too much: sex is serious stuff. Just kidding. Seriously: practice makes perfect.

All this advice seems easy, facile. But the fact is: folks these days, whether it’s because of college, or porn, or something…seem to have low expectations of sex. Or, they treat it like work, like there’s a bucket list in bed they’re checking off.

Fuck that. Love one another. If only for right now. Be calm. Be strong. Be patient. Men: don’t focus on the goal. The journey is our goal. Let’s take our time. Seriously: would you rather have sex for 1 minute, or 45 minutes? Hopefully, your relationship with yourself and your partner is such that answering that question is easy. So: patience. Every time you find yourself climbing that summit, well, roll your boulder back down the hill.

And seriously: children should be planned, ideally. I doubt I was, and I turned out alright. Well, depends who you ask. But: let’s use protection. Use protection. It’s dumb, but it’s awesome to wait to have children until we’re ready.


What’d I miss? Other than, lots? Leave a respectful comment. Or, leave a douchey comment, and we’ll block you forever.


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