November 19, 2013

You Can Heal, Miracles Happen.

The miracle is love lives no matter what.

I was taking a yoga class a few years ago, and the teacher said the universe supports all healing.

What a concept!

I grew up in new age hippie nirvana and had a Marianne Williamson tape when she was not known or famous. I grew up in the shadow of macrobiotics and free love. I grew up after the 60s when the social revolution was rooting into our day to day life.

And yet the day I heard that the universe supports me, I felt held in the embrace of possibility. This was not a new idea and yet that day I remember the message because that day its truth laid a blanket of hope under my mat and the unknown moved to the known on the flutter of my eyelids.

We can heal. We can all heal. It is not always easy. And it may not mean we don’t suffer, get sick, and die. It simply means the possible is possible.

One person may die of cancer but heal a broken heart. Another may die with a broken heart and never suffer with cancer.

I have a diagnosis of schizophrenia. I take medication. I need it so far.  A few years ago I cut the dosage in half for about year. I did not get sick but if I had not noticed how my thought activity increased and not returned to a therapeutic dose, I may have become sick…psychotic.

But healing happens every day. I breathe through my tension. My heart continues to open. I continue to grow and change and find love and meaning even when life takes all I know and removes meaning from my daily life.

The miracle is love lives no matter what. The miracle is the sun rises. The miracle is the moon rounds out once a month and the ocean tides rise and fall and my friend is pregnant. The miracle is my 87 year old dad continues to grow and change and my mom who has Alzheimer’s knows who I am when I call. The miracle is watching my two kitties, how much they care for each other. The miracle has nothing to do with what I believe or what you believe. The miracle is being open to any miracle, no matter what you believe.

We all suffer. We don’t need Buddhism to know that is true at any age really. What matters is what do we do with that suffering? How do we embrace it or move beyond it or create from it?

The universe wants us to heal. Our body works toward healing with every breath.

Listen to this Ted Talk where one doctor shares her research into healing, the placebo effect and how simply relaxing we help ourselves heal. Healing is natural. There are many different paths and different levels of healing.

I need my medicine right now. But maybe I won’t in 5 years. And maybe I will…either way, the miracle of the medication is not lost on me anymore than the miracle of yoga. We all need to embrace the possible to discover  the gifts of grace, to find that what we know and what we don’t can meet in the shadow of light and the light of shadow.




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Editor: Bryonie Wise


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