January 9, 2014

Making Space for the Life that Awaits You. ~ Sonia Lopez Simpson

This year, putting up Christmas decorations became more of a decluttering project.

I decided that while I was decorating I would get rid of anything in the storage totes that was broken or we no longer used. Little did I know, this task would turn out to be a life project.

While going through countless totes and sifting through what worked and what didn’t (many broken snow globes and strands of lights later), I realized how “grippy” I have been—holding on to things that half work or are broken, things that are simply taking up space. Why?!

Because letting go can be painful to us; even when the thing, habit, belief or person no longer serves our journey.

We are creatures of habit and comfort and letting go is hard. In my case, many of the broken things in those totes had an emotional connection to my deceased mother…hence the gripping.

Then, a moment of reflection:  “Where in my life am I gripping to what no longer serves me?”

Truthfully, I got pissed when I realized that my “grippy-ness” doesn’t just apply to broken things in totes. The voice of reflection said, “We have to make room in our life now in order to let the future life we want in.”

Where in our lives do we block ourselves from receiving great lessons, opportunities, people, things, etcetera because we are holding on to clutter (both physically and emotionally)?

What beliefs, people, repeated patterns, stress, resentment, might we holding onto that is taking up precious space?

As 2014 is upon us, there’s no better time to make space in all areas of our lives. Let’s ask ourselves this question and journal the answer: where in my life can I make space to let in the blessings that better serve my journey for the future?

Here are some tips to help us start the process of creating space:

  • Get crystal clear: what do I want my future life to look like? (if you don’t know what you want, start with what you don’t want.)
  • Ask the question: what’s holding me back from having that life? Be Honest with yourself.
  • Declutter! Once we figure out what’s holding us back, start decluttering. Clean out physical space, eat healthier, move away from draining relationships, journal…you get the drift.

Whether it’s our closet space or our heart space, energy is everywhere and clutter drains energy. The good news is that we get to decide what type of energy fills the precious spaces of our lives.

So the question is: how much longer are we willing to put up with what no longer serves us at the expense of what does?

I invite you to make room…let go of the emotional and physical clutter.

Let’s make space in our closets, our homes, our bodies, our spirits, our heart. Let’s declutter with the intention of making room for something great!  Because I promise you, something bigger and better awaits to fill that newly empty space!

I would love to hear what you plan to make room for in your life. Please share in the comments below.


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Assistant Editor: Jane Henderling

Photo: elephant journal archives

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Sonia Lopez Simpson