February 24, 2014

5 Things That Happen When We Fall in Love With Ourselves.

love heart write paper

Falling in love with ourselves opens the door to opportunities which may have been overlooked or seemed too much effort in the past.

Our perception rules our world.

To climb out of our comfort zone of seeing life as a challenge from a fearful viewpoint takes a bit of self-lovin’. We don’t know which opportunities are the game-changers, but when we come from loving ourselves, we have the trust to go for the unknown. All that energy we spent chasing something outside of us is more valuable when reinvested in our own happiness.

Falling in love with ourselves most definitely impacts every area of our lives. Everything becomes richer, lighter, happier and far more engaging than when we’re using narrow vision through darker glasses.

What five things happen in our lives when we fall in love with ourselves?

1. We accept life as it is now.

This includes other people. We may not want some that are toxic close to us, but we can accept they’re right where they want to be on their own journey. When we accept life, we actually give it the space to change into something better, grander and deeper.

2. Life becomes an open door rather than a prison gate.

Freedom is what we feel inside and out; we realize that we’ve let go of holding onto familiar things which clouded our ability to step beyond safety. We now can see the road around us and ahead as an adventure to enjoy, no matter what!

3. Newborn confidence rises from being comfortable with who we are today.

There’s no argument or compromise we need to have when it comes to knowing ourselves and what we want for our lives. No one needs to figure us out or tell us what we should do; instead we pay attention to our own urgings and trust we can make decisions in alignment with our own inner truth.

4. We smile at strangers. We share our love within outwardly with others.

We don’t have prejudice or a measurement of what people need to do to receive our love. There’s an ease in our day-to-day life, which invites others to join us in our own inner love fest. It becomes contagious. In loving ourselves, we’re giving and open to receiving, it creates a flow that calls life to join us in exuding our true joy.

5. Self-respect, boundaries and such become a walk in the park.

The more we love ourselves the clearer we are on how we want to be treated by others. Even though we can freely give love without manipulating to get it in return, we still have to respect our value. When we deem ourselves as worthy, we decide who stays in our inner circle and who may need to move to the outer edges based on where they are on their journey (see #1). We set our standards for living, and stick to them, because we know we deserve to be treated well no matter what and even if someone else is not pleased with our boundaries, we don’t back off.

Boundaries are the main road to self-love.

We treat ourselves kindly and ask for the same from others. When someone is unkind, we’re given the opportunity to speak from a compassionate place with that person and make decisions for our well-being. When it’s about us and not them, it becomes easier to maintain a boundary rather than ditching it in hopes of pleasing someone else.

Self-love creates a truly rockin’ life!

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Editor: Catherine Monkman

Photo:  dancingwaters97/Deviant-art creative commons

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