February 6, 2014

Beautiful girl, Beautiful song, Beautiful video!

kayden rain

Beginner’s Mind + Rain.

And then one day it was left to one of our youngest to remind us all of the heart of this now-speedy life.

Pretty much the best thing ever. Little girl experiences rain for the first time:


Oh, this life. Oh, this world.

We all remember being children and experiencing life, for the first time, in different ways—the simplicity and joy we found in the detail of direct experience.

“I’m sitting here so stressed under a mountain of work to complete but this stopped me dead in my tracks. You had me in tears. What a great reminder of what life should be all about. This is so simple but so powerful.” ~ a comment

One of the most simple and profound and beautiful videos I’ve ever had the honor to share up.

Kayden’s first time experiencing rain ^__^

SEE IT: Adorable moment toddler feels rain for the very first time.

‘What a great reminder of what life should be all about.’

Relephant reads:

Skip Your Morning Meditation & Watch this Instead.

Apes seeing the light of Day for the first time.



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