I honestly can say without hesitation that I hate getting my mail each day.
There’s nary a personal letter. So many catalogs and advertisements that cause me guilt as they may or may not be recyclable. And all of those bills! Yes, those everlasting bloody bills that fill my heart with dread.
Someone who assuredly feels exactly the way I do about their mail situation must have gotten so fed up that they hatched a plan. And a brilliant plan it was.
They’ve trained their cat to fight the irritating mail that’s delivered daily and that can’t be stopped, according to the postal service:
“Neither snow nor rain nor heat nor gloom of night stays these couriers from the swift completion of their appointed rounds.”
This intelligent kitty, who gives the mailman a run for his money, clearly loves her owner so much that she adamantly protects her from getting those darned bills and junk mail.
I feel a bit sorry for the postman, but this cat clearly understands her owner’s feelings toward getting the daily rotten dribble from the post office. This is no bad cat. This is a bad-ass cat with a mission!
I only wish that I also had a door slot for my mail so that my cats could be trained to stand up for me as well. I might just consider installing one.
In the meantime, take a look at this fearless cat-hero who gives a whole new meaning to the term “going postal.”
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qINUAIbQdqkLove elephant and want to go steady?
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Editor: Catherine Monkman
Photo: Tambako the Jaguar/Flickr
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