March 11, 2014

20 First Kisses. From Distance to Intimacy in One Moment.

first love kiss intimacy


Kissing someone for the first time is scary, fun, intimate, awkward…and the best thing ever.

“We asked twenty strangers to kiss for the first time…”

Relephant bonus:

How to Kiss.

The song:

This is why I love Reddit. The Comments:

We’re made for passion, for love, for intimacy.

“What’s your name again?”

“I just really want to hug you now”

“Proof that two strangers can feel an instantaneous love for one another, if only for a brief moment. It brings us back to the very core of what it means to be human. So beautifully, naturally, simply human. I don’t understand why people are always so ready to hate each other.”

“That went from awkward to beautiful in moments.

Made me smile after a tough day. Thanks.”


For more:

The Art and Science of a Kiss.

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