March 15, 2014

Good-bye Detox: 15 Foods that Naturally Detox & Cleanse Your Body {Infographic}.

organic bodycare

For more: Image:

Women: Use conventional makeup? Here are the 515 chemicals you’re putting on yourself every day.

I’m a bit skeptical about the whole detox and Master Cleanse thang.

Juicing? With my lifelong oral fixation (don’t get any funny ideas), I just can’t imagine going even five hours without chewing on something.

So I was thrilled to see this infographic listing 15 foods that naturally detox and cleanse the body, which reinforced my intuition that what I eat can naturally detox my bod. (I also love the piece here on elephant, Denouncing the Detox by Faith Levine.)

Detox cleanse infographic


Relephant bonus:

Skincare: 5 Steps to Truly Happy Skin. Via Sue Van Raes.

Cause: more toxins in everyday environment. Effect: cancer rates continue to climb for men & women. Answer: do not use conventional make-up or bodycare. [Summer Rayne Oakes interview]


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Editor: Renée Picard

Photo: elephant archives

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