March 2, 2014

He’s Walked 34,000 Miles For Love. ~ Brenna Fischer {Video}

Steve Fugate

“There is no such thing as World peace. There’s only peace within.” ~ Steve Fugate

This video, this man, his story; they gave me goosebumps.

After losing his son to suicide and his daughter to an accidental drug overdose, Steve Fugate has suffered more heartbreak than any heart should, but instead of submitting to his sometimes palpable grief; Steve walks.

He has been walking for 14 years, crossing the United States a total of seven times and covering more than 34,000 miles. He does it all to spread his very simple, yet powerful message:

Love Life

His hope is to spread his message to others suffering from depression and despair.

So, if you see this brave and smiling man walking through your town one day, stop and say hi, listen to his inspiring story or, if nothing else, simply honk in gratitude that people like Steve exist.


To further support Steve and his mission of love you can find him on Facebook (he loves it).


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Editor: Catherine Monkman

Photo: Trail Therapy

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