April 5, 2014

Family Saves Humpback Whale from Certain Death. ~ Yaisa Nio {Video}

Humpback Whale

“Mommy, she’s showing us she’s all free!”

~ The little girl in the video.

At the beginning of this month, Australia won an international lawsuit against Japan’s whaling program in the Southern Ocean, a commercial activity disguised as science. Barely a week later, we can read in the news that the UN ban is already having a positive effect.

It’s a beautiful victory, for man and whale.

The news reminded me of a video I had seen a few months ago. Thankfully, the fate of the whales is not only fought for in court, but also in the sea. Watch this movie to witness how a family on a boat trip in the Sea of Cortez manages to save the life of a humpback whale. Warning, it’s a tearjerker.  

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Editor: Renée Picard

Photo: Screenshot from YouTube

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