May 25, 2014

2014 Graduation Speech: Be Your Own Hero. {Inspiring Video}


“My advice is to do things that scare the crap out of you.”

I recently had the honor of speaking to the six graduates of Chinook West High School in Nederland, Colorado. This alternative school tucked high in the mountains above Boulder, is for students who for one reason or another, don’t thrive in traditional settings.

My words to this tiny graduating class are a tough at times—these kids see right though cheesy new age quotes and they deserve to hear the real deal.

“You put in the work, the long hours, the blood sweat and tears and overcame what seemed like insurmountable odds get to this finish line. Now I have some news for you: there is no finish line. The race continues my friends and it only gets harder from here on out”


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Editor: Catherine Monkman

Photo: Author’s Own

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